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Your Heart Knows Who You Are

On 7:15 EDT on Sunday August 4, 2024 the Moon and the Sun ltge ined up at 12th degree of Leo.  The middle of the middle of the summer.  The New Moon brings a self-actualizing energy to the fore.  What does your heart want? Are you brave enough to be radically yourself?   

Remember, all new moons suggest a new chapter in the book of your life.  Over the next six months, we are all invited to to tap into our absolute authenticity.  Like who are you naked in front of a mirror?  Jupiter and Mars are conjunct in Gemini so be inspired to tell folks all about your plans.  Announce yourself.  Remind yourself who you want to be.  

We're on the cusp of a Mercury retrograde season, so we get to revisit all the details of the meticulously laid out plans we've created for ourselves. Mercury will re-enter Virgo, currently conjunct Venus, so be inspired to tap into your inner creator. Be an artist.  Design your world as if every wish were to be granted!

Pisces, we like to keep it loose, but keeping to a schedule helps us to tick more things off of the To Do list.  If you need to recommit, recommit.  No need to beat yourself up for spending an extra hour on food prep or your bath slipped into the 3-hour range.  It’s hard to get anything done that you don’t enjoy.  What would you do for a living if money weren’t an issue?  Late Stage Capitalism makes everything so effing hard.

Aries: The New Moon in Leo is actually right at home in your 5th house of risk, romance and radical self-expression.  All eyes are on you!  Put on your prettiest dress and get your Joy on.  Have you seen the Black Men Frolicking on Tik Tok?  That’s the vibe.  Focus these next six months on your own authentic expression.  What projects are ready for a blast of pure radiant energy?  Any Aries in the early throes of a relationship, lean in and get hot. What’s your pleasure?  

Taurus: The New Moon in your 4th house puts a spotlight on your familial relationships.  Your home.  Your Mother. These areas of your life are implicated.  Put some time into beautifying our home.  Really making it reflect you.  Get rid of anything that isn’t reflecting your vibe.  The Jupiter Mars conjunction activates your personal money story.  Watch out for out of control spending.  

Gemini: The New Moon is spotlighting communications.  Social Media, Creative Content, short stories, lessons taught.  If you’re a wordsmith, then this next sixth month cycle will be a great time to fine tune your message.  What are you trying to say, Gemini? The Jupiter/Mars conjunction makes you impossible to ignore. Try to capture some of your ideas onto  paper. Definitely spend time writing or populating your divine ideas in the Notes App.  All it takes is one million dollar idea.

Cancer: You might be  feeling the need to show off whatchyou got a little. Go for it.  Let the people know that you are not to be underestimated just because you’re an introvert.  You can be both emotionally intelligent and a bad bitch.  If you’re feeling well resourced, you may want to take a solo journey.  Recharge a little, or a lot. There is a lot of activity going on in your deep space.  Maybe you’re ready to investigate some psychedelic plant medicine….guided, of course.

Leo: This new moon blesses you with even more charm than you’re used to.  Happy Birthday to all the fabulous Leos out there.  Recommit to your beautiful self, Lioness.  Own your own strength.  Be proud of your power.  Declare what you feel.  Lead with your heart.  What’s energizing you right now? Can you be super specific about what it is you are trying to achieve or create?  What are your action steps?  Don’t be afraid to go back to the drawing board

Virgo: You are experiencing a deep reorganization of your relationship to yourself. It might have something to do with the powerful blessing you are receiving in your career track (Jupiter/Mars)   There is a deep acceptance of your self unfolding. You are learning to love and accept yourself, neuroses and all.  It’s like you are coming out to yourself.  Loving yourself.  Speak up and say what you want.  You’ll probably get it.

Libra: Pour energy into any scenarios where you are invited to support the collective.  People look to you for leadership.  How can you step up and be an example for others? The Jupiter/Mars conjunction is in the 9th house so it’s important for you to be ideologically aligned with your comrades.  Your optimism is infectious.  You are very inspiring to others.  People are feeling very drawn to you. Be the Pied Piper!

Scorpio: You are being taken very seriously at work.  Your abilities are being noticed and your power is being felt.  You always have a lot churning below the surface but Jupiter and Mars might be stirring up some powerful weather systems in your emotional body.  Hopefully you can channel that passion into your work.  Steady growth is upon you. Keep doing what you are doing.

Sagittarius: Is there a place that is calling you?  Is there a class that is calling you?  A new program you want to try out?  Stretch your mind and experience everything new.  Be ready for some good debates.  Mars and Jupiter in your one-on-one house could provoke some strong opinions. Your voice, whether written or spoken, has the potential to travel great distances.  

Capricorn:  Enjoy being deeply embodied, Capricorn.  I know how much you enjoy your own flesh, and this new moon in your 8th house invites you to get even more connected to your own pleasure.  It is very hip right now to prioritize play and rest. So be mindful about feeling good.  Slow down and pay extra special attention to your pleasure centers, including and especially food.

Aquarius: This new moon lands in your 7th house of others, one-on-ones and the public. Not that you need the prompt, but you are invited to be your authentic self in all of your relationships.  Be true to your heart.  No room for tolerating any of the bullshit.  Don’t fold, hide or prune yourself for anyone. Jupiter and Mars are blessing your home so work from home, play from home, invite folks over.  Only good will come from activities focused in the home.

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