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What does MLK have to do with the Full MOON?

Absolutely everything!! Because this full moon which happened a few hours ago at 2:40 PM here on the East Coast was born in January when the New Moon was in Capricorn (like it is every Mid-Winter). We celebrate MLK day Mid-January, six months later, Boom, Reparations!! I mean Juneteenth. Talk about slow and steady growth. Welcome to Capricorn.

Dr. King never doubted that we would one day get to freedom. On the eve of his assassination he famously said, "I might not get there with you, but we will get to the promised land." My favorite Capricorn never wavered in his quest to bring this country into her full promise. We're still not there, but we are a heck of a lot closer than we were in 1955, at the beginning of the Mississippi Bus Boycott.

I actually had a customer at the Bistro where I work apologize to me for being from Mississippi. Damn. We've come a long way baby.

The Moon at this very second is at 4 Degrees Capricorn. The Sun is at 3 Degrees Capricorn. The full moon was at 3 Degrees. So think back to 2:39 PM EST and think about what you were doing because that is how you celebrated the full moon. Technically she has begun to wane, but we're still going to ponder the meaning of the full moon.

So, first let me say that when we think of Capricorn, we have to think of its compliment Cancer. Capricorn is Cardinal Earth. Cancer is Cardinal Water. Both Boss Bitches. The Earth sign is concerned with all things material. Capricorn likes to save coins and preserve resources. It lives to win and will do so eventually. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the Cosmic Concretizer, is not in any kind of a hurry because speed can be wasteful. Speed makes mistakes. Speed gets cocky. Remember the Tortoise and the Hare? Exactly.

So, wherever 3 Degrees is happenning in your chart, that is where you are experiencing slow and steady growth. Excellent. Think of your Rising Sign. That's the sign on your first house cusp. Below are some thoughts on how the Moon is landing in your chart and in your life based on your Ascendant. Enjoy!

Aries: Ok, Aries (Rising), are you saying that it's time to grow up? Yes, that's exactly right cuz you're going places. Try not to piss off the boss though. You are creative and opinionated and would rather work for your damn self. But if you do work for someone else, you may have to swallow a little pride. Someone in power want to see you succced, so don't fuck it up.

Taurus: You are growing the beautiful mind of yours so you want to focus on your education, grad school, online educational opportunites. Maybe you applied to some programs over the winter. What are you looking to know? What aspect of your mind are you looking to deepen? What truths are you seeking? With Venus, your chart ruler opposing Pluto, you are very magnetinc at the moment. So, be specific, and tell the Universe exactly what you want.

Gemimi: If you are negotiating contracts or getting into bed with another (sexually or financially), be sure to be absolutely clear about what is being expected of you. What do you expect to get out of the deal. Have a team of lawyers go over the contract. Get a second opinion. Make sure that you are not getting played. Venus and Pluto are fucking with power dynamics (which could be sexy as hell if everyone is on the same page). Wink.

Cancer: Pay attention to your on-on-one relationships. Is there a sexy Capricorn type hovering around? Did somebody say construction worker? Damn, I love a Masc with rough hands. But wait, this isn't about me, it's about you, Cancer Rising. Put some attention into how your are interacting with your public. Can people see you? Let the people see you a little bit. Come out of your shell and socialize. If someone has been buzzing around since January, offer to make them dinner at yours.

Leo: Let's clean up those habits Leo Risings. Re-commit to a healthy diet. A healthy fitness regime. At least get those steps in. The 6th house is about your daily rituals. Somewhere on your To-Do list should appear those activities that keep you in strong body and mind. Meditate. Read. Walk. Dance. Be well, Leo.

Virgo: My favorite get-it-done sign. Virgo knows what to do and does it. Well, the full moon is shining on your creative projects. Your art, your music, your writing, even your kids. So how can you be a little more disciplined when it comes to tending to your creative space. How can you give those tweens in the house a little more structure? Schedules! Make actual time for the things you want to get done. Paint for an hour. 30 minutes in the dark room. No video games during mealtime.

Libra: So, things are looking good at home. Maybe you are preparing for a move. Maybe you continue to heal from a difficult home life. It's important for you to keep moving forward. Recommit to therapy. Beautify your home so that it reflects you. You need safe personal space to do your inner work. Tend to your inner child and make sure that all of her needs are getting met. Speak and write to yourself affirmatively.

Scorpio: Ok, Super Secrative Scorpio Rising. Allow yourself to lighten the fuck up today and for the nezxt two weeks. Have fun with your friends and use your words. If you are writer or a public speaker, you may feel a surge in your work. Folks want to exchange ideas with you. They want to know what you think. Your modern day ruler is opposed Venus, so resist game-playing and manipulation. Words and actions should be the same.

Sagittarius: Your material world in being supported by earthy Capricorn and you are growning fiscally, slowly and steadily. Start planning for things like buying a home, or investing in stocks. Your value is expanding so continue to envision what you want that to look like. Treehouse in the woods? Great? Condo in Miami? Whatever. You do you, boo. Set up alerts on Street Easy and get beautiful homes for sale texted to you on the daily. Prepare your mind for ownership. You are so so worthy.

Capricorn: Full Moon in the first house suggests that you are feeling better and better about yourself. You are knocking this adulting out of the water. Review your goals from the beginning of the year and make sure you are still moving in the direction that you chose for yourself. Caps find it hard to get off course, but its still good to check. Anything that is not moving you up your personal mountain gets gone.

Aquarius: It's all about the 12th house for you, Aquarius Rising. You are finding ways of making the spirit world more concrete. You scultp your unconcious with affirmation. You invite insight from your Inner Knower through meditation. You remind yourself that you and every person on the avenue are related in spirit. Can you say sisterly love? You are in love with everyone today Aquarius. Giving and Receiving are the exact same thing. You give in love because you love to give!!

Pisces: You're feeling pretty good about folks today, Pisces Rising. It's been a minute since Saturn swept through your 11th house, bringing integrity to your social circles. You may have drifted away from a significant number of your friend group. Awesome. Quality over Quantity. You are feeling ready to get back out there and collaborate with people. So, reach out to folks that seem interesting. Share resources with those that share your values. You still have a strong community!!

That's it for now. I've got a full moon party to get too (also known as day drinking). I love you all sooooo much. Hit me up for a reading. Cards and Stars. Mwah.

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