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VIRGO SEASON: New Moon 8-27-2022

Updated: Aug 27, 2022

We all feel it. That subtle grief that creeps into our souls as the days get shorter (here in the Northern Hemisphere, that is). It can't possibly be happening already. It's still summer!!

The final month of any season brings with it tangible evidence of the season that is just around the corner. That is the nature of mutable signs. And with Mutable Earth, aka Virgo, we feel the liberation of the summer months begin to make way for a time where our minds turn to more practical pursuits. School Supplies, Final Financial Quarter, Theater Season. It's actually quite the busy time and it kind of feels like a new year.

New Moons mark the beginning of a new chapter, phase or month-long moment in our own lives. In Virgo we want to think about what we dedicate our daily lives to. What fills up our schedules? What fills up our plates. With Virgo, the is beauty in the mundane: Grand-mothers hand stitching doilies; Indigenous folx making baskets and rugs. African ladies up in Harlem putting in what feels like hundreds of woman-hours for one freshly styled do. Works of art created for the everyday.

What do you give your time to? Time, arguably our most valuable resource. We are what we eat, yes. But surely, we are also what we do. I study astrology. I am an astrologer. I feed and water Cassius. I am a Cat Mom. Virgo is the Earth sign with the most movement inherent in it. This is reflected by its Mercurial Rulership. Mercury gets Virgo Moving. So, if you're feeling constipated, move that body around.

The New Moon in Virgo occures at 4° Virgo at 4:16 EST. For the moon watchers among you, the invisible moon rises with the Sun and emerges over the eastern horizon approximately one hour later than the previous day. I challenge you to rise with the moon this week. How soon after the new moon do you catch your first glimpse of her waxing crescent? Those of you who live on the sea get the best view. Scratch that. Those of you living high in the mountains have the best view. Wait, the desert, definity the desert has the best moon watching. Wherever you are, Just Look Up.

This month's New Moon is locked in a square with Mars in Gemini. Squares inspire us to act. Mars/Moon dynamics suggest that there are strong feelings. afoot. What are you feeling strongly about on this lunar eve? What are you conjuring? It's a great time to breathe new life into your rituals. Give some focus to food prep. Recommit to being in the body. Stretch, lift, swim. State strongly and affirmatively who you are and what you are planning to do. I like to say that if I dedicate one hour a day to a project, a party or a production, shit is getting done. Earth pulls plans into the 3rd dimension but there is a steady as she blows vibe when dealing with Earth.

And with Mercury Retrograde just around the corner, you don't really want to rush ahead too blindly. Plant a seed and take a micro step. Is it time to clean all the windows in the house? Great, do one a day. By the full moon the light in your home will have transformed. So, where is the new moon occuring in your chart? Find 4° Virgo in your chart. I'll wait.

Aries/Aries Rising: With New Moon Lighting up your Everyday Rituals Zone, you are being invited to tend to the body. Close to your siblings and/or cousins? Is there a world where the family can hold each other accountable to making some healthier choices? I'm thinking a family thread where everyone shares food prep and water intake for the day. Or maybe it's time to reconnect to the local gym. Just go pick up a class schedule. Baby steps.

Taurus/ Taurus Rising: This lunation is shining a light on your big old heart, Ferdinand. Mars is giving you courage from the 2nd house. You just might feel pretty good about yourself this month. That's right, Taurus, you did that (whatever that is). Take a risk and let others know what's going on inside of you. Show us what you've made done discovered created. We appreciate your good taste, however, it's not just about how much you have, we want to feel who you are.

Gemini/Gemini: The Virgo moon falls in your home zone of emotional security. This month focus on how you feel. Allow yourself to be energized in your home. Do a little fall cleaning and maybe even a little socializing at home. Allow your domestic rituals to nurture you. My hippy mom used to say that sweeping is an ancient goddess grounding technique connecting us to all women around the world who may be tending their homes at the very moment that we are.

Cancer/Cancer Rising: This new moon invites you to connect locally. Insert a daily walkabout into your daily schedule. Say hello to your neighbors and connect to local merchants. Mars in your twelfth house invigorates inner exploration. Allow yourself to day dream while you walk and use your voice memos to record any inspired ideas that seemingly come out of nowhere.

Leo/Leo Rising: The new moon in your 2nd house of self-worth brings focus on your ability to earn. You are feeling good about your ability to improve your practical holdings. The plants are growing and you are taking practical steps to tend to your finances. Get those invoices out and make sure invoice anyone who still owes you. It's a great month for networking in your social circles. You may find that your friend groups offer opportunities to grow your resources.

Virgo/Virgo Rising: You are feeling a renewed sense of self, Virgo. And you should be because your new year is upon you. Happy Birthday! Get serioius about your birthday wishes and set a plan in motion to get yours this year. How are you going to redefine yourself this year. Your career house is being motivated by Mars. What do you want for yourself professionally? Write it on the walls and claim what is yours!

Libra/Libra Rising: Libra, the new moon is moving through your 12th house. It's a very introspective space and you may be saying goodbye to some old ways of being and thinking. Mars is squaring the moon from the 9th house of travel and philosophy so you might be grappling with some big questions. Late summer travel could have a very positive effect on you. Lean into your journals and write write write. Then get quiet and allow time to explore your inner landscape. Embodied practices like yoga, Reiki, or self-massage will support you this month.

Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: Who are you feeling most connected to right now, Scorpio? The moon in your 11th house of shared ideas is being illuminated. Surround yourself with the people that you can be your realest self with. A wise woman once said that you never really know anyone until you work with them. Mars in the 8th house could inspire a strong desire for a special someone. You want to connect deeply. Consider your personal space sacred space this month. No one enters who doesn't know your safe word.

Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: Your public is calling, Sag. And it is time to turn some focused attention towards your career. So clean out the desk drawers, zero-out the email box, give the website a facelift, and upgrade your spreadsheet game. All the best boss bitches rock spreadsheets. Get organized and take your career to the next level. Easy. Baby steps. Don't make it weird.

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising: Breathe in your 5-year plan. Breathe out baby steps. This New Moon is an expansive one for you, Mx. Cap. What do you like to study? How do you want to improve? Approach your studies steadily and practically. Give yourself daily study/office hours. Read, write, publish. The earthy new moon supports your desire for accomplishment. Imagine yourself looking out onto the whole world from Mountaintop.

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: Ok Water Bearer, update the Grindr, the Tinder, the OKCupid, because your freak nature is on fire and if you want some, go get some. The New Moon illuminates the deep and mysterious part of you. Get out your taror cards and ask the deep questions. If you feel ready to call in a partner and not just a fuck buddy, take some time to write down all the qualities that you are looking for in a partner. Now burn it and know that it is coming.

Pisces/Pisces Rising: Make a point to say yes to at least one invitation per week. Lunch? Sure. Coffee, yes! You are meant to connect with folx one-on-one. Take a practical approach. Dates every Thursday. You are a charming social butterfly and you are going to be in high demand this month. Allow yourself to retreat when you feel like your well needs replenishing. Leave 'em wanting more!

Nappysnatch, Out!

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